Beef Stew, Irish Style


·       3 Tbsp. garlic, minced

·       1 cup white onion, minced

·       ½ cup leeks, roots removed, minced

·       4 Tbsp. olive oil, add more if needed

·       Stew

·       1 cup carrots, peeled, cubed

·       1 cup parsnips, peeled, cubed

·       1 cup dark colored stout

·       2 large pieces dried bay leaves, whole

·       2 Tbsp. tomato paste

·       1 cup fruity red wine

·       ¼ cup parsley, minced for garnish

·       2 pounds boneless beef chuck/shanks, sliced into inch-thick cubes, pat-dried using paper towels

·       1 pound starchy potatoes, peeled, cubed

·       2 tsp. sea salt, add more if needed”

·       1 Tbsp. dried rosemary, crumbled

·       1 Tbsp. dried thyme, crumbled

·       1 Tbsp. white sugar 


Press: SAUTÉ and HIGH.

Pour oil into Yedi Pressure Cooker. Wait for oil to heat up before frying beef cubes in batches. Cook until meat is browned well on all sides. Transfer seared meat to a holding plate. Repeat step for all beef.

In same oil, add in aromatics. Stir-fry until onions are limp.

Except for bread and parsley, pour remaining ingredients into Yedi Pressure Cooker.

Press: SLOW COOKER and LOW. Set timer to 8 hours. Secure lid.

After cooking cycle, discard bay leaves. Taste. Adjust seasoning if needed.

Pour stew into bowls. Garnish with parsley. Cool slightly before serving with a slice of bread per person.

Matthew Revich